Register a return

Every item you order from us is printed by hand for you. This is what sets us apart from traditional mail order companies and protects the environment without producing unnecessary surplus. We cannot simply put exchanged goods back in the warehouse and resell them. So please do not simply order all sizes just to "try them on". The environment and the parcel services will thank us for it.

What are my right of return?
Because we stand by our quality and want to offer you the safest possible shopping experience, we have extended our return policy to 30 days.

How do I get the return address?
You will automatically receive the address for the return in the returns portal.

Does the product have to be new?
Yes, we only accept returns for new, unworn and unpersonalized items. Please make sure that the sticker with the QR code is still attached to the item of clothing.

My order doesn't fit and I would like to exchange it.
There are two different ways to do this:
1. You place your new order today and enter "refund" in the returns portal. This way, you will have your order in your hands as quickly as possible.
2. You enter "voucher" in the returns portal and then redeem it for your next order.

Will I receive a confirmation of receipt of my return?
No, we do not send confirmations of receipt. As soon as your return has been processed, you will receive an email notification with the refund.

What else should I consider?
Please always register your return in the returns portal. We cannot process items returned without request. We also recommend that you send the item insured, as we cannot refund damaged items.

How long does it take for my return to be processed?
We usually need a maximum of 14 days to process your return. After major sales promotions, the processing time may be slightly longer.

Do you have any more questions?
If we have not answered your questions with these extensive FAQs on the topic of returns, please contact our support team at Please state your order number so that we can answer your questions quickly and without any red tape.

Have you understood everything and have no more questions?
Then go to our returns portal

zum Retourenportal